Greetings Family and Friends,
May Peace Be With You.
Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.
Recently, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement receive solicitations for further explanation of the guidelines for being formally considered a fellow or filla with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement. Much of these recent solicitations specifically pertain to the notion of national citizenship. The proceeding is a brief explanation pertaining this specific issue.
The precept of abstaining from holding or exchanging money is maintained so that fellows and fillas with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement can maintain an increased objectivity when interacting with additional individuals, families, and organisations within our international and Universal community. This includes abstaining from directly enacting partiality to any specific national government and abstaining from becoming beholdent and unduly reliant or influenced by any national government. Abstaining from money enhances impartiality.
The specific religious teachings pertaining abstaining from holding or exchanging money are substantially and respectively derived from respective precepts within Buddhism and Christianity. Within Buddhism, there is a certain precept for Buddhist Monks to abstain from holding or exchanging money with the similar purpose of impartiality. Within Christianity, Jesus also teaches the precept, 'Render unto Caesar that which belôngs to Caesar and render unto God that which belôngs to God.' The specific notion here, again, is abstaining from becoming enveloped within the politics of national governance, and thus abstaining from being obliged in paying tribute to the politicians.
This precept of abstaining from holding or exchanging money also goes beyond the mere practice of abstaining from holding or exchanging money; this precept also includes abstaining from being partial or unduly beholdent or reliant upon any specific national government. In addition to specifically abstaining from holding or exchaning money, there are additional, specific practices that are included within this general precept and that are necessary in respectively being a fellow or filla with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement:
1.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from voting for, or directly supporting the candidacy of any specific politician within a nation where political offices are predicated upon elections (such as Democracies, Republics, and additionally), or within a partial alliance of nations similarly constructed.
2.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from holding an elected office within any specific national government or within a partial alliance of national governments.
3.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from holding an appointed office in a nation where political offices are maintained without elections (such as monarchies, dictatorships, and additionally) or within a partial alliance of nations similarly constructed.
4.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from pledging allegiance to any specific national government or to a partial alliance of national governments.
5.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from maintaining citizenship with any specific national government or with a partial alliance of national governments.
It is also appropriate to note that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement also adhere to the mitzvot to be fruitful and multiply. In this respect,
1.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement support the institution of marriage and the respective raising of children and families.
2.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement acknowledge that marriage exclusively exists as the bond between a man and a woman respectively as husband and wife.
3.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement recognise the legitimacy for a man to have numerous wives with the same precept of marital fidelity.
We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement also abstain from making a complete vow of renunciation. We are able to barter and trade for necessary services and material products. And amidst these guidelines, there actually is a propensity for fellows and fillas with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement to work with national governments (substantially as consultants and even as salaried consultants [without monetary compensation, of course]).
With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,
Peter Frank Womack (fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement)
Peace belôngs throughout the Universe.
Good Samadhi belôngs to'ard Nirvâna.
All Praise Belôngs To God.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A Trade Negotiation 9.6.61
Greetings Family and Friends,
May Peace Be With You.
Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.
Earlier this afternoon, I am prompted to play the drum on the front porch of the International Secretariat of this InterFaith Settlement (here at 3825 Silsby Road) whilst a number of the Wiley Middle School students are walking home.
During this time, one of the students asks me how much money is necessary for me to give away the drum. Yet rather than directly conversating with the students at the time, protocol leads me to simply continue playing the drum whilst acknowledging his solitication with certain direct eye contact.
I can provide that the drum is made within Southern Africa. I am provided the drum whilst I am studying law in Cape Town, South Africa over seven years ago. Since that time, there are numerous occasions for me playing the drum. There are also certain stipulations, including exclusitivity of use, in maintaining custody of the drum. Understandably, there is a considerable amount of significance for a man within the Western Hemisphere and descended from African slaves to maintain custody of an African drum. However, there has been one difficulty in that since the time I am provided the drum, I become a vegetarian for religious reasons. Thus, there has been the difficulty of maintaining, and actually making direct contact with, a drum made from an animal hide. Yet, even amidst my religious adherence to vegetarianism and ahimsa, there are certain religious teachings and examples that facilitate me continuing to maintain the drum. And thus I do.
When dealing with issues of trade and finance, a snide comment that has often been communicated on the street has been that, with immediate dismissal, the solicitor has been without a sufficient amount of money to provide for the item solicited. Indeed, this is the case pertaining this drum. I and we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from holding or exchanging money. Instead, we rely on bartering and benevolence; we trade things and services.
When communicating this practice to individuals, many have been initially bewildered at such a prospect: either doubting the veracity or attempting to perceive the practicalities. I can provide that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement utilise a transmonetary valuation system (with ewkahs) in determining the tangible value for any product or service. Further information about this specific transmonetary valuation system and ewkahs is available upon direct solicitation. In the meantime, you are welcome to consider the basic formula of this system: Uc = (Fit x Tt) (Fij x Tj). In other words: the Units of Cost (the price of a product or service [also known as ewkahs]) equals the Factor of Intensity of a person's Training (education and experience) multiplied by the Time of the person's Training multiplied by the Factor of Intensity of the Jôb (a specific task that the person performs) multiplied by the Time of the Jôb. A tangible example, utilising the standard methodology where all factors of intensity are '1' and the Time of Training equals a person's age, a forty year old man doing an hour's worth of work is appropriately compensated with 40 ewkahs:
40 ewkahs = [(1) (40 years of age)] x [(1) (1 hour)]
Presuming an annual work rate of 2000 hours (40 hours per week multiplied by 50 weeks), a forty year old man earns 80,000 ewkahs each year:
80,000 ewkahs = [(1) (40 years of age)] x [(1) (2000 hours)]
This may have seemed like merely semantics yet there are considerable differences between conventional finance with monetary units and the transmonetary valuation system with ewkahs. One of the predominant differences is that each person maintains the prerogative of determining each person's respective Factor of Intensity. With such a process, people can become increasingly aware that money has simply been a figment of imagination. And thus, people can become increasingly mindful of the tangibilities amidst material products and increasingly diligent in promoting the intangible benevolence that exists within humanity and the Universe.
Progressing beyond the snide street response, I consider further the notion that even amidst one maintaining a treasury mint and the printing presses through which the money has been made, a forest of trees providing the paper, and a substantial amount of ink for designing the money, all this has been an insufficient offer for a trade for this drum. However, it behooves us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement to be able to be effectively innovative and pragmatic in trade negotiations. And in receiving an offer of a forest of trees with a natural source of an appropriate amount of water, we are willing to negotiate.
Trade Negotion in Simple Terms:
Drum = A Forest with Trees and a Natural Source of an Approprate Amount of Water

Amidst such a trade, there is also a n interest in receiving another drum made without the hide of an animal. And beyond this, it may be provided that I am precluded from vehemently claiming ownership over anything. All things are impermanent and all material possessions are transient. I am obligated to provide people with what people immediately need, and thus this is intrinsically factored within the trade negotiation as well.
On a sidenote, there are photographs and stories that I can share about my trip to Africa. I also have stories that I can share about my travel and studies within Europe, as well as my travels to additional international and domestic locations.
With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,
Peter Frank Womack (fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement)
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
Good Samadhi belongs to'ard Nirvana.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Family and Friends,
May Peace Be With You.
Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.
Earlier this afternoon, I am prompted to play the drum on the front porch of the International Secretariat of this InterFaith Settlement (here at 3825 Silsby Road) whilst a number of the Wiley Middle School students are walking home.
During this time, one of the students asks me how much money is necessary for me to give away the drum. Yet rather than directly conversating with the students at the time, protocol leads me to simply continue playing the drum whilst acknowledging his solitication with certain direct eye contact.
I can provide that the drum is made within Southern Africa. I am provided the drum whilst I am studying law in Cape Town, South Africa over seven years ago. Since that time, there are numerous occasions for me playing the drum. There are also certain stipulations, including exclusitivity of use, in maintaining custody of the drum. Understandably, there is a considerable amount of significance for a man within the Western Hemisphere and descended from African slaves to maintain custody of an African drum. However, there has been one difficulty in that since the time I am provided the drum, I become a vegetarian for religious reasons. Thus, there has been the difficulty of maintaining, and actually making direct contact with, a drum made from an animal hide. Yet, even amidst my religious adherence to vegetarianism and ahimsa, there are certain religious teachings and examples that facilitate me continuing to maintain the drum. And thus I do.
When dealing with issues of trade and finance, a snide comment that has often been communicated on the street has been that, with immediate dismissal, the solicitor has been without a sufficient amount of money to provide for the item solicited. Indeed, this is the case pertaining this drum. I and we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from holding or exchanging money. Instead, we rely on bartering and benevolence; we trade things and services.
When communicating this practice to individuals, many have been initially bewildered at such a prospect: either doubting the veracity or attempting to perceive the practicalities. I can provide that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement utilise a transmonetary valuation system (with ewkahs) in determining the tangible value for any product or service. Further information about this specific transmonetary valuation system and ewkahs is available upon direct solicitation. In the meantime, you are welcome to consider the basic formula of this system: Uc = (Fit x Tt) (Fij x Tj). In other words: the Units of Cost (the price of a product or service [also known as ewkahs]) equals the Factor of Intensity of a person's Training (education and experience) multiplied by the Time of the person's Training multiplied by the Factor of Intensity of the Jôb (a specific task that the person performs) multiplied by the Time of the Jôb. A tangible example, utilising the standard methodology where all factors of intensity are '1' and the Time of Training equals a person's age, a forty year old man doing an hour's worth of work is appropriately compensated with 40 ewkahs:
40 ewkahs = [(1) (40 years of age)] x [(1) (1 hour)]
Presuming an annual work rate of 2000 hours (40 hours per week multiplied by 50 weeks), a forty year old man earns 80,000 ewkahs each year:
80,000 ewkahs = [(1) (40 years of age)] x [(1) (2000 hours)]
This may have seemed like merely semantics yet there are considerable differences between conventional finance with monetary units and the transmonetary valuation system with ewkahs. One of the predominant differences is that each person maintains the prerogative of determining each person's respective Factor of Intensity. With such a process, people can become increasingly aware that money has simply been a figment of imagination. And thus, people can become increasingly mindful of the tangibilities amidst material products and increasingly diligent in promoting the intangible benevolence that exists within humanity and the Universe.
Progressing beyond the snide street response, I consider further the notion that even amidst one maintaining a treasury mint and the printing presses through which the money has been made, a forest of trees providing the paper, and a substantial amount of ink for designing the money, all this has been an insufficient offer for a trade for this drum. However, it behooves us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement to be able to be effectively innovative and pragmatic in trade negotiations. And in receiving an offer of a forest of trees with a natural source of an appropriate amount of water, we are willing to negotiate.
Trade Negotion in Simple Terms:
Drum = A Forest with Trees and a Natural Source of an Approprate Amount of Water
(Illustrations of Drum and Ashino Lake at Mount Fuji, Japan provided by Microsoft Corporation)
Amidst such a trade, there is also a
On a sidenote, there are photographs and stories that I can share about my trip to Africa. I also have stories that I can share about my travel and studies within Europe, as well as my travels to additional international and domestic locations.
With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,
Peter Frank Womack (fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement)
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
Good Samadhi belongs to'ard Nirvana.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Policy of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement Providing Shelter 9.6.61
Greetings Family and Friends,
May Peace Be With You.
Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.
Within the past few weeks, one of the fellows with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement has a conversation with a number of adolescent youths very soon after the adolescent youths experienced some difficulty with the local authorities. Within this conversation the fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement offers the adolescent youths with food and drink and a place to stay. Understandably, the adolescent youths were somewhat apprehensive of the offer and asked the fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement a number of questions about the offer and about the standard practices of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
These questions substantially pertain to 1.) the living arrangements at the International Secretariat of this InterFaith Settlement (that also exists as a residence of the Womack family as well as the domicile of effective house arrest for myself, Peter Frank Womack), 2.) the policy of accepting people who require shelter (children, homeless people, and additionally), and 3.) the policy of informing parents and local authorities about such people (children, homeless, and additionally) maintaining shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
The proceeding is a description of the general guidelines that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement specifically maintain to'ards people searching for shelter with us.
1.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from specifically informing any public authority of a person's taking shelter with us (irregardless of that person being a child, adult, homeless, undocumented immigrant, fugitive, and/or otherwise).
2.) When a child searches for shelter with us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement,
a.) we abstain from specifically contacting or informing the child's parents about the child being sheltered with us.
b.) we communicate to the child that one of the fundamental principles to which we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement respectively adhere is the mitzvah: Honour your fars and your mors.
c.) we encourage the child to contact the child's parents on the child's own accord and to reconcile the difficulties that the child has experienced with the child's parents.
d.) we continue to provide the child with food, drink, shelter, and additional resources and counseling through the time that the child is reconciled with the child's parents and/or appropriately secures additional accommodations.
e.) we abstain from directly proselytising the child into becoming a fellow/filla with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, however, we do provide general counseling and education whilst the child is with us.
Children who are communicated to us as respectively being orphans are respectively adopted as a sen/dotter specifically by a fellow, filla, and/or friend of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, and generally adopted by the entirety of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement as well as our network of friends.
In a simple manner, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement identify each individual who is of thirteen (13) years old or older as an adult. This conforms with the respective practices within numerous religious and cultural traditions as well as generally with the biological sequence of puberty and the propensity for procreation. Girl orphans under the age of thirteen years are adopted as dotters and nurtured in that respect. Boy orphans under the age of thirteen years are adopted as sens and trained in that respect.
Female orphans of the age of 13 years or older are formally considered adult women. Such women are specifically educated for becoming wedded with a husband. This education includes cooking, cleaning, caring for children, as well as additional housework and responsibilities.
Male orphans of the age of 13 years or older are formally considered adult men. Such men are specifically educated for becoming increasingly self sufficient in order to be able to become a husband and raise a family. This education includes training for being an international citizen as well as increasingly specified training within a specific occupation.
Men and women (other than orphans) who are respectively of thirteen years or older, and who search for shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement and/or are simply interested in supporting the work of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, are received as adults with the prerogatives that are intrinsically affiliated with adulthood. Our support for such respective men and women coincides with the initial description provided within this correspondence.
We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from keeping any slave or servant or domestic worker of any type. There is an effective absênce of hierarchy within the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement. Those who proceed through the training for working with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are respectively a fellow or a filla. The only other category of participant with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are friends (people, families, and organisations who volunteer for, or generally and/or specifically support, the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement).
Orphans and additional people who search for shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are simply friends: guests without any obligation for staying with, or working for or amongst, the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement. Rather than becoming directly involved and promoting any specific programme or initiative of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, our friends within such circumstances are simply provided with counseling, education, and training that increasingly reconciles the respective difficulties that our friends have been experiencing. Men and women are able to respectively and comparatively autonomously decide the extent to which each man or woman is respectively involved with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are aware of many of the domestic difficulties that have been experienced within many familes: verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, murder, chemical addictions, crime, violence, homelessness, unemployment, isolation and loneliness, and general despair. Indeed, there are those amongst us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement who have direct experience either living within such conditions and/or directly providing counseling to those who have lived within such conditions. Many of the most difficult circumstances have been those wherein a child has been abused (particularly at the hands of the child's own parent, family member, or relative).
It is for this reason that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement (even amidst adherence to the fundamental principle, the mitzvah, to honour our fars and our mors) abstain from directly contacting parents and public authorities. Instead, we listen to the difficulties that the child has experienced, we consider manners in which the child can be effectively reconciled with the child's parents, and we encourage the child to contact the child's parents, to be reconciled with the child's parents, and to return to the child's home with the child's parents. Amidst the previous, partial description of difficulties, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are also aware that this is a delicate process.
We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement maintain an open house; the doors are regularly unlocked. Once a child makes the decision to contact the child's parents and inform the child's parents where the child is located, the perceived security of secrecy that we intrinsically provide is absolved. We abstain from directly inflicting physical harm upon anyone, and thus the predominant form of physical defence that we can provide for a child is simply being a barrier to any aggression that has been directed to'ard the child. Once the child's parents are cognisant of where the child is, much of the process is substantially determined by the actions of the parents.
We communicate this to children who search for shelter with us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement. We also communicate the fact that a number of individuals with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement have actually been physically removed from respective domiciles by public authorities, and subsequently imprisoned and tortured. On additional occasions, public authorities have entered into the respective domiciles of a number of individuals with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, and performed searches and investigations without the permission of the the respective individuals with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
Thus, the physical defences that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement respectively maintain are substantially modest. The best protection that we maintain is Karma and the progression beyond Karma. Indeed, particularly through the very sênding of this correspondence, the respective domiciles of us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement (particularly those of us specifically located at the International Secretariat of this InterFaith Settlement), are effectively identified as locations for the provision for such shelter to children, orphans, homeless, undocumented immigrants, fugutives, and additional individuals; and thus, we have been continually susceptible to such visitations, searches, and investigations from public authorities and additional individuals, families, and organisations.
We communicate this to the children, orphans, homeless, undocumented immigrants, fugutives, and additional individuals who search for shelter with us. Additionally, we communicate to these same children, orphans, homeless, undocument immigrants, fugitives, and additional individuals that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement also maintain connexions with numerous individuals, families, and organisations locally, regionally, and internationally (it is also appropriate to note the inclusion of intergalactic connexions within our network). We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are profoundly aware of the tradition of the Underground Railroad and the contemporary practices therein.
Thus, we also communicate to these same children, orphans, homeless, undocumented immigrants, fugitives, and additional individuals that there is a network of individuals, families, and organisations who are willing to provide direct support in maintaining effective distance between the person searching for shelter and the people attempting to find that person. Yet, in resorting to such an option the person searching for shelter becomes increasingly distant from the immediate security that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement provide. Instead, the person becomes increasingly involved with the respective friends with whom we impart the care of that person.
We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are candid in communicating this to public authorities in order to facilitate better cohesion amongst the aggregate of involved individuals, families, and organisations, and to increasingly reconcile the difficulties within the circumstances. When there is an appropriate environment of physical security, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are better able to negotiate with the person searching for shelter and with the people looking for that person. With these enhanced processes of negotiation, we are better able to remedy the circumstances and arrive at a mutually amenable agreement.
This is a substantial reason why this correspondence is sênt to you at this time: to facilitate an effective environment of physical security so that the aggregate of our communication can be maintained in an amenable manner that leads to a proper reconciliation of difficulties. For the sake of simplicity, I can reiterate the basic principles described within the general policy that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement maintain in receiving children, orphans, homeless, undocumented immigrants, fugitives, and additional individuals, families, and organisations:
1.) We accept any person, family, and organisation searching for shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
2.) We abstain from notifying public authorities or parents when a person, family, and organisation is provided shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
3.) We encourage children to contact the children's respective parents; and we encourage additional individuals, families, and organisations to find an appropriate means of reconciliation with those who have been looking for such individuals.
4.) Boys and girls under the age of thirteen (13) years are respectively considered children; boy orphans and girl orphans under the age of thirteen (13) years are respectively adopted by a fellow, filla, or friend of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
5.) Females with an age of thirteen (13) years or older are considered adult women; males with an age of thirteen (13) years or older are considered adult men. Adult women orphans are educated to respectively become wives and mors. Adult men orphans are educated to respectively become self sufficient and to be able to respectively keep wives and raise families.
6.) Men and women of thirteen (13) years and older are welcome to stay with us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement as such men and women respectively deep appropriate; there is an effective absênce of a hierarchy within the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement; the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstains from keeping any slave, servant, or domesticated worker.
7.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement substantially rely upon Karma as a means of physical security.
8.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement maintain a network of friends and family throughout respective locations, regions, Hemispheres, and intergalactic space.
9.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are interested in maintaining proficient communication and the propensity for reconciliation with all respective individuals, families, and organisations.
10.) The fellows and fillas of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement adhere to the Universal Principles of Faith:
We shall only praise the one True God.
We shall only utilise the Name of God in Truth.
We shall abstain from making any graven image of that which is in Heaven, on Earth, or in the Sea beneath the Earth.
We remember Shabbat; we keep it Holy.
We honour our fars and our mors; so that we may have length of life.
We shall abstain from killing.
We shall abstain from stealing.
We shall abstain from committing adultery.
We shall abstain from proclaiming false witness against our neighbour.
We shall abstain from coveting the house of our neighbour, the wife of our neighbour, the manservant of our neighbour, the maidservant of our neighbour, the ox or ass of our neighbour.
We progress Right Belief, Right Aspiration, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Thought, Right Meditation.
We do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
We abstain from the consumption of animals.
We abstain from intoxicants.
We abstain from games of chance.
For additional information, you are welcome to contact us:
Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement
c/o International Secretariat
This InterFaith Settlement
3825 Silsby Road
University Heights, Oyo (Ohio) 44118 Earth
+1 216 371 3367 (reverse charges welcome)
(instant messaging: peterfwomack@hotmail.com)
With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,
Peter Frank Womack (fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement)
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
Good Samadhi belongs to'ard Nirvâna.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Greetings Family and Friends,
May Peace Be With You.
Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.
Within the past few weeks, one of the fellows with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement has a conversation with a number of adolescent youths very soon after the adolescent youths experienced some difficulty with the local authorities. Within this conversation the fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement offers the adolescent youths with food and drink and a place to stay. Understandably, the adolescent youths were somewhat apprehensive of the offer and asked the fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement a number of questions about the offer and about the standard practices of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
These questions substantially pertain to 1.) the living arrangements at the International Secretariat of this InterFaith Settlement (that also exists as a residence of the Womack family as well as the domicile of effective house arrest for myself, Peter Frank Womack), 2.) the policy of accepting people who require shelter (children, homeless people, and additionally), and 3.) the policy of informing parents and local authorities about such people (children, homeless, and additionally) maintaining shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
The proceeding is a description of the general guidelines that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement specifically maintain to'ards people searching for shelter with us.
1.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from specifically informing any public authority of a person's taking shelter with us (irregardless of that person being a child, adult, homeless, undocumented immigrant, fugitive, and/or otherwise).
2.) When a child searches for shelter with us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement,
a.) we abstain from specifically contacting or informing the child's parents about the child being sheltered with us.
b.) we communicate to the child that one of the fundamental principles to which we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement respectively adhere is the mitzvah: Honour your fars and your mors.
c.) we encourage the child to contact the child's parents on the child's own accord and to reconcile the difficulties that the child has experienced with the child's parents.
d.) we continue to provide the child with food, drink, shelter, and additional resources and counseling through the time that the child is reconciled with the child's parents and/or appropriately secures additional accommodations.
e.) we abstain from directly proselytising the child into becoming a fellow/filla with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, however, we do provide general counseling and education whilst the child is with us.
Children who are communicated to us as respectively being orphans are respectively adopted as a sen/dotter specifically by a fellow, filla, and/or friend of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, and generally adopted by the entirety of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement as well as our network of friends.
In a simple manner, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement identify each individual who is of thirteen (13) years old or older as an adult. This conforms with the respective practices within numerous religious and cultural traditions as well as generally with the biological sequence of puberty and the propensity for procreation. Girl orphans under the age of thirteen years are adopted as dotters and nurtured in that respect. Boy orphans under the age of thirteen years are adopted as sens and trained in that respect.
Female orphans of the age of 13 years or older are formally considered adult women. Such women are specifically educated for becoming wedded with a husband. This education includes cooking, cleaning, caring for children, as well as additional housework and responsibilities.
Male orphans of the age of 13 years or older are formally considered adult men. Such men are specifically educated for becoming increasingly self sufficient in order to be able to become a husband and raise a family. This education includes training for being an international citizen as well as increasingly specified training within a specific occupation.
Men and women (other than orphans) who are respectively of thirteen years or older, and who search for shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement and/or are simply interested in supporting the work of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, are received as adults with the prerogatives that are intrinsically affiliated with adulthood. Our support for such respective men and women coincides with the initial description provided within this correspondence.
We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from keeping any slave or servant or domestic worker of any type. There is an effective absênce of hierarchy within the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement. Those who proceed through the training for working with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are respectively a fellow or a filla. The only other category of participant with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are friends (people, families, and organisations who volunteer for, or generally and/or specifically support, the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement).
Orphans and additional people who search for shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are simply friends: guests without any obligation for staying with, or working for or amongst, the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement. Rather than becoming directly involved and promoting any specific programme or initiative of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, our friends within such circumstances are simply provided with counseling, education, and training that increasingly reconciles the respective difficulties that our friends have been experiencing. Men and women are able to respectively and comparatively autonomously decide the extent to which each man or woman is respectively involved with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are aware of many of the domestic difficulties that have been experienced within many familes: verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, murder, chemical addictions, crime, violence, homelessness, unemployment, isolation and loneliness, and general despair. Indeed, there are those amongst us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement who have direct experience either living within such conditions and/or directly providing counseling to those who have lived within such conditions. Many of the most difficult circumstances have been those wherein a child has been abused (particularly at the hands of the child's own parent, family member, or relative).
It is for this reason that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement (even amidst adherence to the fundamental principle, the mitzvah, to honour our fars and our mors) abstain from directly contacting parents and public authorities. Instead, we listen to the difficulties that the child has experienced, we consider manners in which the child can be effectively reconciled with the child's parents, and we encourage the child to contact the child's parents, to be reconciled with the child's parents, and to return to the child's home with the child's parents. Amidst the previous, partial description of difficulties, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are also aware that this is a delicate process.
We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement maintain an open house; the doors are regularly unlocked. Once a child makes the decision to contact the child's parents and inform the child's parents where the child is located, the perceived security of secrecy that we intrinsically provide is absolved. We abstain from directly inflicting physical harm upon anyone, and thus the predominant form of physical defence that we can provide for a child is simply being a barrier to any aggression that has been directed to'ard the child. Once the child's parents are cognisant of where the child is, much of the process is substantially determined by the actions of the parents.
We communicate this to children who search for shelter with us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement. We also communicate the fact that a number of individuals with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement have actually been physically removed from respective domiciles by public authorities, and subsequently imprisoned and tortured. On additional occasions, public authorities have entered into the respective domiciles of a number of individuals with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, and performed searches and investigations without the permission of the the respective individuals with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
Thus, the physical defences that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement respectively maintain are substantially modest. The best protection that we maintain is Karma and the progression beyond Karma. Indeed, particularly through the very sênding of this correspondence, the respective domiciles of us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement (particularly those of us specifically located at the International Secretariat of this InterFaith Settlement), are effectively identified as locations for the provision for such shelter to children, orphans, homeless, undocumented immigrants, fugutives, and additional individuals; and thus, we have been continually susceptible to such visitations, searches, and investigations from public authorities and additional individuals, families, and organisations.
We communicate this to the children, orphans, homeless, undocumented immigrants, fugutives, and additional individuals who search for shelter with us. Additionally, we communicate to these same children, orphans, homeless, undocument immigrants, fugitives, and additional individuals that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement also maintain connexions with numerous individuals, families, and organisations locally, regionally, and internationally (it is also appropriate to note the inclusion of intergalactic connexions within our network). We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are profoundly aware of the tradition of the Underground Railroad and the contemporary practices therein.
Thus, we also communicate to these same children, orphans, homeless, undocumented immigrants, fugitives, and additional individuals that there is a network of individuals, families, and organisations who are willing to provide direct support in maintaining effective distance between the person searching for shelter and the people attempting to find that person. Yet, in resorting to such an option the person searching for shelter becomes increasingly distant from the immediate security that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement provide. Instead, the person becomes increasingly involved with the respective friends with whom we impart the care of that person.
We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are candid in communicating this to public authorities in order to facilitate better cohesion amongst the aggregate of involved individuals, families, and organisations, and to increasingly reconcile the difficulties within the circumstances. When there is an appropriate environment of physical security, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are better able to negotiate with the person searching for shelter and with the people looking for that person. With these enhanced processes of negotiation, we are better able to remedy the circumstances and arrive at a mutually amenable agreement.
This is a substantial reason why this correspondence is sênt to you at this time: to facilitate an effective environment of physical security so that the aggregate of our communication can be maintained in an amenable manner that leads to a proper reconciliation of difficulties. For the sake of simplicity, I can reiterate the basic principles described within the general policy that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement maintain in receiving children, orphans, homeless, undocumented immigrants, fugitives, and additional individuals, families, and organisations:
1.) We accept any person, family, and organisation searching for shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
2.) We abstain from notifying public authorities or parents when a person, family, and organisation is provided shelter with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
3.) We encourage children to contact the children's respective parents; and we encourage additional individuals, families, and organisations to find an appropriate means of reconciliation with those who have been looking for such individuals.
4.) Boys and girls under the age of thirteen (13) years are respectively considered children; boy orphans and girl orphans under the age of thirteen (13) years are respectively adopted by a fellow, filla, or friend of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.
5.) Females with an age of thirteen (13) years or older are considered adult women; males with an age of thirteen (13) years or older are considered adult men. Adult women orphans are educated to respectively become wives and mors. Adult men orphans are educated to respectively become self sufficient and to be able to respectively keep wives and raise families.
6.) Men and women of thirteen (13) years and older are welcome to stay with us at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement as such men and women respectively deep appropriate; there is an effective absênce of a hierarchy within the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement; the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstains from keeping any slave, servant, or domesticated worker.
7.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement substantially rely upon Karma as a means of physical security.
8.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement maintain a network of friends and family throughout respective locations, regions, Hemispheres, and intergalactic space.
9.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are interested in maintaining proficient communication and the propensity for reconciliation with all respective individuals, families, and organisations.
10.) The fellows and fillas of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement adhere to the Universal Principles of Faith:
We shall only praise the one True God.
We shall only utilise the Name of God in Truth.
We shall abstain from making any graven image of that which is in Heaven, on Earth, or in the Sea beneath the Earth.
We remember Shabbat; we keep it Holy.
We honour our fars and our mors; so that we may have length of life.
We shall abstain from killing.
We shall abstain from stealing.
We shall abstain from committing adultery.
We shall abstain from proclaiming false witness against our neighbour.
We shall abstain from coveting the house of our neighbour, the wife of our neighbour, the manservant of our neighbour, the maidservant of our neighbour, the ox or ass of our neighbour.
We progress Right Belief, Right Aspiration, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Thought, Right Meditation.
We do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
We abstain from the consumption of animals.
We abstain from intoxicants.
We abstain from games of chance.
For additional information, you are welcome to contact us:
Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement
c/o International Secretariat
This InterFaith Settlement
3825 Silsby Road
University Heights, Oyo (Ohio) 44118 Earth
+1 216 371 3367 (reverse charges welcome)
(instant messaging: peterfwomack@hotmail.com)
With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,
Peter Frank Womack (fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement)
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
Good Samadhi belongs to'ard Nirvâna.
All Praise Belongs To God.
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