A Transmonetary Valuation System
Greetings Friends,
May Peace Be With You.
Within the past few Moons (months), a correspondence is forwarded pertaining the transfer of Salt Fork Park from the custody of the state of Oyo (Ohio) and Xanterra (a comparatively private organisation) to this InterFaith Settlement. As previously communicated, this InterFaith Settlement abstains from holding or exchanging money. This InterFaith Settlement also appreciated the principle of a fair deal. So the consideration becomes what this InterFaith Settlement can provide for an equitable exchange in receiving custody of Salt Fork Park. This correspondence provides an increasingly tangible description of the suggestion of this exchange.
Methodology of Valuation
Through our experience with the Standard Convention of Formal Friendship and the Standard Agreement for an Exchange of Resources within the Context of Formal Friendship, as well as through receiving consultation from our friends, including formals and conventional, we at this InterFaith Settlement arrive at a methodology of valuation through which proper compensation can be determined and provided within such an exchange.
This methodology of valuation can be effectively communicated through the proceeding formula for specifically valuating human labour:
Uc = TjFij x TtFit
Uc = Units of Cost
Tj = Time of Jôb: the actual amount of direct human labour of one individual to complete the agreed jôb
Fij = Factor of Intensity of Jôb: the degree of concentration involved within the actual amount of labour of the individual to complete the agreed jôb
Tt = Time of Training: the aggregate amount of previous training (academic and/or occupational) that prepares the individual to complete the agreed jôb
Fit = Factor of Intensity of Training: the degree of concentration involved within Tt, the previous training (academic and/or occupational) that prepares the individual to complete the agreed jôb
Standard Approach of Valuation
The Unit of Cost is informally referred to as an ‘ewkah.’ The ‘standard approach’ of this valuation methodology is thus:
Uc = Tj x Ta
Fij = 1
Fit = 1
Tt = Ta (the actual age of the individual)
Categories of Resources
This methodology of valuation is also utilised in regards to all resources (tangible and intangible) that have been designated with a monetary value. There are three primary categories of such resources, some with respective subcategories:
1.) Labour: this is the amount of human work provided by an individual.
2.) Land: this includes all elements that exist as a natural habitat within a specifically identified area (including forests, fields, deserts, quarries, waterfronts, and settled areas).
3.) Products: this includes all items that are extracted from the Earth, Seas, Atmosphere, and Universe, as well as human labour that is provided through the auspices of an organisation or within the premise of a formal profession.
a.) Service Products: these are comparatively intangible products that are provided directly by the labour of an individual through the auspices of an organisation or within the premise of a formal profession.
b.) Manufactured Products: these are tangible products that are derived from nature and that are processed in some manner involving human labour to provide a distinct product to the recipient.
c.) Natural Products: these are tangible and comparatively unprocessed products that are provided by another individual, through the auspices of an organisation, or within the premise of a formal profession to the recipient.
Within the subcategory of natural products, there are three further subcategories:
i.) Natural Life Resources: this includes trees, flowers, plants, and animals.
ii.) Natural Mineral Resources: this includes soil, rocks, minerals, fossil fuel, and water.
iii.) Natural Coveted Resources: this includes gold, silver, diamonds, and platinum.
Valuation of Resources
1. Labour Resources
The previously described formula is utilised to determine the value of a labour resource:
Uc labour = TjFij x TtFit
2. Land Resources
The proceeding formula is utilised to determine the value of a land resource:
Uc land = Fp x Σ Ta
Fp = the intrinsic, intangible value, to the World, of preserving the integrity of the natural habitat of the land resource
Ta = the actual age of a life residing within the natural habitat of the land resource
Σ Ta = the aggregate summation of the respective ages of all lives residing within the natural habitat of the land resource
3 a. and b. Product Resources (Service and Manufactured)
The proceeding formula is utilised to determine the value of service product resources and manufactured product resources:
Uc product = RUc labour + RUc product resources + RUc comprehensive
RUc labour = Relegated Units of Cost of Labour: total Units of Cost of Labour utilised to provide product to the recipient
RUc product resources = Relegated Units of Cost of Preceding Product Resources: total Units of Cost of preceding product resources utilised to provide product to recipient
RUc comprehensive = Relegated Units of Cost of Comprehensive Expenses: percentage of Units of Cost of comprehensive expenses attributed to providing product to the recipient
For both service product resources and manufactured product resources, there are two distinct approaches to determine the value of the respective product provided, and numerous adaptive approaches that respectively utilise different combinations of the intrinsic mechanics within each of these two distinct approaches:
Organisation Approach:
Uc product = Tj product/2000 ([ΣYUc labour]/z1 + ΣYUc product resource + ΣYUc comprehensive)
RUc labour = ΣYUc labour/(2000 x z) x Tj product
RUc product resource = (ΣYUc product resource)/2000 x Tj product
RUc comprehensive = (ΣYUc comprehensive)/2000 x Tj product
YUc labour = total Units of Cost of Labour within one Year for an employee labourer of an organisation
ΣYUc labour = aggregate summation of the respective total Units of Cost of Labour within one Year for all employee labourers of an organisation
YUc product resource = total Units of a specific product resource directly utilised by an organisation within one Year to provide all service products and/or manufactured products to all recipients
ΣYUc product resources (as 0 to z2) = aggregate summation of the respective total Units of Cost of all product resources utilised by an organisation within one Year to provide all service products and/or manufactured products to all recipients
ΣYUc comprehensive = aggregate sum of total Units of Cost of the comprehensive expenses that the organisation incurs with one Year, including administrative compensation costs and facilities costs
Tj product = Time to complete Jôb: total number of hours that are required to complete the jôb of providing the manufactured or service product to the recipient
z = number of employee labourers within the organisation
2000 = constant: standard number of labour hours within a year (based upon 50 weeks of 40 hours)
The annual, respective total Units of Cost of specific comprehensive expenses (including administrative expenses and similar expenses) and of labour and product resources are estimated projections for the proceeding year. The annual rate for total Units of Cost of additional comprehensive expenses (including facilities) are determined through an annual, linear amórtisation distribution predicated upon an established warrantee, guarantee, or similar provision describing the expected duration of the facility. The Units of Cost of land acquired to facilitate the operations of an organisation are linearly distributed amongst the duration of the number of years within the structure that is expected to be maintained for the longest period of time (otherwise the number of years within the expected duration of the natural product resource, being removed from the land, to remain within the land; and otherwise, one year); and included within a line item of the Units of Cost of comprehensive expenses. Losses and gains that occur through such estimations are also included within a line item of the Units of Cost of comprehensive expenses through the discretion of the organisation.
Itemised Approach:
Uc product = ΣDUc labour + ΣDUc product resource +
(ΣYUc comprehensive)/2000 x Tj product
RUc labour = ΣDUc labour
RUc product resource = ΣDUc product
RUc comprehensive = (ΣYU comprehensive)/2000 x Tj product
DUc labour = total Units of Cost of labour of an employee labourer, within an organisation, who directly labours in the provision of the manufactured product or service product to the recipient
ΣDUc labour = aggregate summation of respective total of Units of Cost of labour of each employee labourer, within an organisation, who directly labours in the provision of a service product or manufactured product to the recipient
DUc product resource = total Units of Cost of a specific product resource directly included within the provision of a service product or manufactured product to the recipient
ΣDUc product resource = aggregate summation of respective total Units of Cost of all product resources directly included within the provision of a service product or manufactured product to the recipient
The total Units of Cost of comprehensive expenses are similarly determined in the itemised approach as with the organisation approach. Appropriate adjustments resulting from lags and surpli are included within a line item of the Units of Cost of comprehensive expenses through the discretion of the organisation.
3 c. Product Resources (Natural)
i. Natural Life Product Resources
The proceeding formula is utilised to determine the value of a natural life product:
Uc natural life product = WFpΣTa + Uc product resource
Ta = Time: the age of a life contributing to a natural life product provided to the recipient
ΣTa = aggregate summation of the respective ages of all lives contributing to a natural life product provided to the recipient
W = Weight: total number of kilograms of the natural life product
Fp = Factor of Preservation: the intrinsic, intangible value, to the World, for preserving the integrity of the natural life within the respective natural habit
Uc product = total, preceding Units of Cost involved in providing natural life product to the recipient
ii. Natural Mineral Product Resources
There are two forms of natural mineral resource products: natural commodity mineral resource products and natural scarce mineral resource products. The proceeding formula is utilised to determine the value of a natural commodity mineral resource product:
Uc natural commodity mineral resource product = WFv + Uc product
Fv = Factor of Value: the intrinsic, intangible value of the natural commodity mineral resource product to the World
The proceeding formula is utilised to determine the value of a natural scarce mineral resource product:
Uc natural scarce mineral resource product = WFvFs + Uc product
Fs = Factor of Scarcity: the intrinsic, intangible value of the natural scarce mineral resource product to the World specifically resulting from the comparative unavailability of the natural scarce mineral resource product
iii. Natural Coveted Resource Product
The proceeding formula is utilised to determine the value of a natural coveted resource product:
Uc natural coveted resource product = WFc + Uc product
Fc = Factor of Covetousness: the extent to which the coveted natural resource product is sought by the World
Additional Concepts and Considerations
Monetary Transfer Costs
This is the process of transferring the perceived value of a resource from a monetary unit to ‘ewkahs’ (Units of Cost). There are two basic approaches and additional numerous adaptive approaches that respectively utilise different combinations of the respective mechanics of these two basic approaches.
Domestic GDP
In this approach, the domestic mean income of a nation is identified within the monetary units of that nation to determine the corresponding exchange rate of the monetary value of a resource into ewkahs (adjusted to the respective Factors of Intensity determined within the transfer).
Global GDP
In this approach, the global mean income of the World is identified within the effective global units of withdrawal rights within the International Monetary Fund to determine the corresponding exchange rate of the conventional value of a resource into ewkahs (adjusted to the respective Factors of Intensity determined within the transfer).
Factors of Intensity are utilised as a means of self determining distinctions of labour. Comparatively lower factors of intensity can be utilised in compensating comparatively distracted labour that involves additional activities such as listening to music or audio feeds, watching a video feed, communicating through the internet or telephone, socialising, and/or babysitting. Comparatively higher factors of intensity can be utilised in compensating labour that requires a significant amount of concentration and/or stress. Employers can also provide ‘overtime’ compensation of higher intensity during such circumstances for an organisation. An employee maintains the prerogative of determining the factor of intensity level that is applicable to that employee’s respective labour. An employer maintains the prerogative of only selecting or maintaining employees with previous and/or validated experience of labour at a certain factor of intensity level. Institutions of higher education can maintain the propensity of being respectively distinguished from each other through establishing standards and expectations for alumni to maintain an occupational performance at a minimum or maximum factor of intensity level. Within the ‘standard approach,’ all factors of intensity are ‘1.’
There is a similar process in determining the respective factors of additional resources as well, including the factor of preservation, the factor of value, the factor of scarcity, and the factor of covetousness. There is the propensity for each of these factors to be respectively determined on a continuing basis by respective groups of diverse interests respectively representing different organisations and institutions including religious, governmental, resource exchanging, advocacy, and civil society.
It is also appropriate to establish generally accepted accounting practices in calculation the specific occurrences of gains, losses, lags, and surpli that are included with the comprehensive expenses line item of the Units of Cost for a product resource.
To provide additional tangibility within this methodology of valuation, the proceeding examples are provided:
Uc = TjFij x TtFit
Standard Number of Labour Hours in a Day: 10 hours (based upon 40 hour week with four days rather than five)
Standard Number of Labour Hours in a Year: 2000 hours
Standard Compensation for a Day’s Labour of a 20 year old man:
Uc = (10)(1) x (20)(1)
= 200 ewkahs
Tj = 10 hours
Fij = 1
Tt = 20 years
Fit = 1
Standard Compensation for a Day’s Labour of a 40 year old man:
Uc = (10)(1) x (40)(1)
= 400 ewkahs
Tj = 10 hours
Fij = 1
Tt = 40 years
Fit = 1
Standard Compensation for a Year’s Labour of a 20 year old man:
Uc = (2000)(1) x (20)(1)
= 40,000 ewkahs
Tj = 2000 hours
Fij = 1
Tt = 20 years
Fit = 1
(800 ewkahs, weekly; approximately 3200 ewkahs, monthly)
Standard Compensation for Year’s Labour of a 40 year old man:
Uc = (2000)(1) x (40)(1)
= 80,000 ewkahs
Tj = 2000
Fij = 1
Tt = 40
Fit = 1
(1600 ewkahs, weekly; approximately 6400 ewkahs, monthly)
Transfer of Custody of Salt Fork Park to this InterFaith Settlement
Another example can be provided within the transfer of Salt Fork Park to the custody of this InterFaith Settlement. We at this InterFaith Settlement abstain from holding or exchanging money, so it is appropriate to consider this transfer within the terms of ewkahs.
We at this InterFaith Settlement make a rather general estimation of the present monetary value of Salt Fork Park to be approximately €40 million (approximately $50 million). We at this InterFaith Settlement also make a similarly general estimation of the domestic annual income of the United States of America Taínoterranea to be approximately €35,000 (approximately $40,000). Utilising a mean age of 40 years for labourers, it may be considered that the mean annual compensation of individuals involved within this InterFaith Settlement is 80,000 ewkahs. This results in a basic 7:16 rate of exchange between euros and ewkahs and a 1:2 rate of exchange between dollars and ewkahs. So to facilitate a fair exchange between the tri partied group of the United States of America Taínoterranea, the state of Oyo (Ohio), and Xanterra, and this InterFaith Settlement for the transfer of the custody of Salt Fork Park to this InterFaith Settlement, it is appropriate for this InterFaith Settlement to similarly provide 100 million ewkahs.
This InterFaith Settlement Pledge
To facilitate the provision of this 100 million ewkahs, this InterFaith Settlement solicits the establishment of a pledge from fifty men. The pledge is for each of these fifty me to provide 100 hours of service each year for fifty years, or until the respective passing of life, directly through the auspices of the United Nations; service that specifically pertains to the respective experiences and insight that each man maintains whilst living within this InterFaith Settlement. This pledge also includes the convening of a biannual interFaith conference, also through the auspices of the United Nations. And in exchange for this service, custody of Salt Fork Park is transferred to this InterFaith Settlement, and each of the fifty men making this pledge is respectively provided with the custody of one of the cottages that are already established within Salt Fork Park.
The solicitation from this InterFaith Settlement includes the provision that at least five men respectively adhering to the respective religious traditions of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, and at least one man adhering to an additional religious tradition, sign this pledge.
This equates to:
at least 5 men adhering to Judaism
at least 5 men adhering to Hinduism
at least 5 men adhering to Buddhism
at least 5 men adhering to Christianity
at least 5 men adhering to Islam
at least 1 man adhering to an additional religious tradition
The running calculation for this pledge is as proceeds:
50 men
100 hours/year
50 years
40 years old (for the sake of simplicity, this effectively presumes an initial mean age of us men at 15 when beginning this pledge, and a mean age of 65 when completing this pledge, Pursuing Nirvâna and God Willing).
Uc = 100 hours x 40 years old
= 4,000 ewkahs/year
x 50 men = 200,000 ewkahs
x 50 years = 10,000,000 ewkahs
Contribution from Respective Religious Communities
The running calculated value of this pledge equates to 10 million ewkahs. To account for the balance of the appropriate amount to facilitate this exchange, this InterFaith Settlement solicits the direct involvement of the respective, aggregate collectives of institutions, organisations, Sanghas, and congregations, respectively affiliated with, and adhering to, the respective religious traditions of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, to exactly match (without less and without mas) the contribution provided through this pledge of these fifty men.
This is includes:
African Hebrew Israelites
International Council of Jewish Women
Orthodox Union
Union for Reform Judaism
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
United Synagogue Youth
World Jewish Congress
World Union for Progressive Judaism
World Zionist Organisation
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Tel Aviv University
Bar Ilan University
Open University of Israel
Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
University of Haifa
Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School
Yeshivat HaKotel
Jewish Community Secondary School
Jewish Theological Seminary
Yeshiva University
Hebrew Union College
Leo Baeck College
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation
Hindu Student Council
International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres
Sri Aurobindo Society
Vishva Hindu Parishad
Hindu Global Electronics Network
Shamayita Math International Women's Religious Centre
Ramakrishna Math and Mission
Maharishi University of Management
Divine Life Society
Banares Hindu University
Chatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
Guru Ghasidas University
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Guru Nanak Dev University
Mahatma Ghandi University
Shivaji University
University of Delhi
University of Mumbai
Buddha Dharma Education Association
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Friends of the Western Buddhist Order
Soka Gakkai International
World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth
World Fellowship of Buddhists
Sakyadhita: International Association of Buddhist Women
Rissho Kosei Kai
International Network of Engaged Buddhists
Centre for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University
Wat Pah Bahn Tahd
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery
Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Meditation Centre, Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organisation c/o Saddhamma Foundation
Wat Sampeou Meas Temple
Buddha Haus
International Meditation Centre, Splatts House
Son Ha Temple, Plum Village
Kwan Um School of Zen
Fo Guang Shan Monastery
Hwa Dzan Buddhist Library and Hwa Dzan Pureland Learning Centre
Dharma Realm Buddhist Association
Dharma Drum Mountain
Association Zen Internationale
Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey
Honolulu Diamond Sangha
Rochester Zen Centre
Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation
Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition
Dechen Community
Rokpa International
Gampo Abbey
Diamondway Buddhism
Graduate School of Buddhist Studies
National University of Singapore Buddhist Society
Visakha Vidyalaya
Kathmandu University Centre for Buddhist Studies
Karma Shri Nalanda Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Stanford Centre for Buddhist Studies
UCLA Centre for Buddhist Studies
UK Association for Buddhist Studies
Centre for Buddhist Studies, University of Bristol
Friends World Committee for Consultation
Global Fellowship of Christian Youth
Pax Romana
Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
U S Jesuit Conference
Unitarian Universalist Association
World Council of Churches
World Young Women's Christian Association
United Methodist Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Taínoterranea
Order of Saint Benedict International
Sant Egidio
Yale Divinity School
Toronto School of Theology
University of Toronto Department and Centre for the Study of Religion
Theology Faculty Centre at Oxford University
Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge
University of California, Berkeley, Religious Studies Programme
Stanford University, Department of Religion
University of Chicago, Divinity School
Emory School of Theology
Howard University School of Divinity
Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
Boston Theological Institute
Facultad Internacional de Educación Teológica
Graduate Theological Union
New College School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh
Princeton Theological Seminary
Augustana, Theologische Hochschule der Evangelisch Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern
Christian Theological Seminary
Presbyterian Theological Centre
Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary
Harvard University Divinity School
New York University, Programme in Religious Studies
Catholic University
Unification Theological Seminary
Islamic Cultural Centre and London Central Mosque
Islamic Development Bank
Motamar Al Alam Al Islami
Muslim Student Associaiton
Muslim World League
Organisation of the Islamic Conference
Wasat Alnaseej
Federation of Muslim Women
University of Karachi
Darululoom Deoband
Al Imam Al Ouzai University
Oxford University Centre for Islamic Studies
Umm Al Qura University
Arab Islamic Intitute in Tokyo
Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, University of London
College of Islamic Studies
Arab Open University
Darul Uloom, Karachi
Ibb University
International Islamic University, Islamabad
International University of Africa
Islamic University of Medinah
Islamic University of Gaza
King Abdul Aziz University
King Saud University
Mansoura University
Mogadishu University
Kuwait University, College of Islamic Studies
Council on American Taínoterranean Islamic Rapprochement
Threshold Society of the Order of Mevlevi
Susila Dharma
World Sikh Council
And this means:
exactly 10 million ewkahs from Judaism
exactly 10 million ewkahs from Hinduism
exactly 10 million ewkahs from Buddhism
exactly 10 million ewkahs from Christianity
exactly 10 million ewkahs from Islam
Dedication of Service: ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign
Yet rather than monetary donations or similar contributions, this InterFaith Settlement specifically solicits individuals to directly participate within a service programme, facilitated by the United Nations, that in some manner immediately promotes the well being of our international community. To facilitate this direct involvement, this InterFaith Settlement offers a ‘2 days in 2 years’ campaign. In this campaign, individuals respectively provide 2 days of service (20 hours), within the time frame of 2 years. Within the standard approach of valuation (with a mean age of 40 years), this generally equates to the direct participation of 1,250 individuals from each of the respective religious traditions specifically described. This InterFaith Settlement solicits the United Nations to facilitate or accommodate these service programmes and to maintain an appropriate record of the accumulating aggregate participation of this service. And this cumulates into a running calculation of 60 million ewkahs.
To account for the balance of the appropriate amount to facilitate this exchange, this InterFaith Settlement solicits the direct involvement of the respective, aggregate collectives of institutions, organisations, and congregations respectively affiliated with, and adhering to, additional religious traditions, as well as individuals, group, organisations, and institutions respectively and conscientiously involved within our international community; to similarly and directly participate in a service programme, facilitated by the United Nations, that immediately promotes the well being of our international community. And this generally equates to the direct participation of an additional 6,000 people.
Within this ‘2 days in 2 years’ campaign, each individual maintains the prerogative of determining the respective value of each individual’s respective service (factors of intensity and respective age); the United States of Taínoterranea maintains the prerogative of accepting the service within the terms offered, or within the standard approach of valuation (with all factors of intensity equalling ‘1’); and the United Nations maintains the prerogative of determining what is appropriate service with respect to this campaign, this exchange, and the necessities of our international community. The United Nations also maintains the responsibility of keeping a continuing record of the aggregate of service provided.
When the sufficient amount of service is provided to and through the United Nations, the United Nations provides an equitable forgiveness to the United States of America Taínoterranea for the obligation that the United States of America Taínoterranea maintains in supporting the United Nations. When receiving this forgiveness from the United Nations, the United States of America Taínoterranea respectively provides equitable forgiveness to the state of Oyo (Ohio) and to Xanterra for transferring the custody of Salt Fork Park to this InterFaith Settlement.
This pledge and agreement become effective when there is direct communication from the United States of America Taínoterranea accepting the terms of this pledge and agreement, and the fifty men specifically making this pledge of offering 100 hours a year for 50 years, are permitted to, and effectively, establish respective residences within the cottages located within Salt Fork Park.
Each of these fifty men officially makes this pledge through completing the registration form provided by this InterFaith Settlement.
All this in Pursuing Nirvâna and by the Grace of God.
Your consideration pertaining this initiative is appreciated.
With humble and benevolent regards,
Peter F Womack (with this InterFaith Settlement)
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
All Praise Belongs To God.
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