Sunday, February 25, 2007

Further Explanation Pertaining Abstinence from Allegiance to Nations 13.6.61


Greetings Family and Friends,

May Peace Be With You.

Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.


Recently, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement receive solicitations for further explanation of the guidelines for being formally considered a fellow or filla with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement. Much of these recent solicitations specifically pertain to the notion of national citizenship. The proceeding is a brief explanation pertaining this specific issue.

The precept of abstaining from holding or exchanging money is maintained so that fellows and fillas with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement can maintain an increased objectivity when interacting with additional individuals, families, and organisations within our international and Universal community. This includes abstaining from directly enacting partiality to any specific national government and abstaining from becoming beholdent and unduly reliant or influenced by any national government. Abstaining from money enhances impartiality.

The specific religious teachings pertaining abstaining from holding or exchanging money are substantially and respectively derived from respective precepts within Buddhism and Christianity. Within Buddhism, there is a certain precept for Buddhist Monks to abstain from holding or exchanging money with the similar purpose of impartiality. Within Christianity, Jesus also teaches the precept, 'Render unto Caesar that which belôngs to Caesar and render unto God that which belôngs to God.' The specific notion here, again, is abstaining from becoming enveloped within the politics of national governance, and thus abstaining from being obliged in paying tribute to the politicians.

This precept of abstaining from holding or exchanging money also goes beyond the mere practice of abstaining from holding or exchanging money; this precept also includes abstaining from being partial or unduly beholdent or reliant upon any specific national government. In addition to specifically abstaining from holding or exchaning money, there are additional, specific practices that are included within this general precept and that are necessary in respectively being a fellow or filla with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement:

1.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from voting for, or directly supporting the candidacy of any specific politician within a nation where political offices are predicated upon elections (such as Democracies, Republics, and additionally), or within a partial alliance of nations similarly constructed.

2.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from holding an elected office within any specific national government or within a partial alliance of national governments.

3.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from holding an appointed office in a nation where political offices are maintained without elections (such as monarchies, dictatorships, and additionally) or within a partial alliance of nations similarly constructed.

4.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from pledging allegiance to any specific national government or to a partial alliance of national governments.

5.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement abstain from maintaining citizenship with any specific national government or with a partial alliance of national governments.

It is also appropriate to note that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement also adhere to the mitzvot to be fruitful and multiply. In this respect,

1.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement support the institution of marriage and the respective raising of children and families.

2.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement acknowledge that marriage exclusively exists as the bond between a man and a woman respectively as husband and wife.

3.) We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement recognise the legitimacy for a man to have numerous wives with the same precept of marital fidelity.

We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement also abstain from making a complete vow of renunciation. We are able to barter and trade for necessary services and material products. And amidst these guidelines, there actually is a propensity for fellows and fillas with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement to work with national governments (substantially as consultants and even as salaried consultants [without monetary compensation, of course]).

With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,

Peter Frank Womack (fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement)

Peace belôngs throughout the Universe.

Good Samadhi belôngs to'ard Nirvâna.

All Praise Belôngs To God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have found it on this website called [url=]tip swift[/url]. You can find it there.
edit: wrong post