Thursday, April 26, 2007


Greetings Family and Friends,

May Peace Be With You.

Shalom. Namaste. Sabudicrom. Pax. A Salaam Alaikum.


This InterFaith Settlement is a forming, living intentional community specifically predicated upon the premise of interreligious cooperation, particularly amongst Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christiainity, and Islam;

The Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement is an interFaith advocacy and consultation organisation that also works for the establishment of this InterFaith Settlement;

Efforts and negotiations are now being conducted to transfer the custody of Salt Fork Park to this InterFaith Settlement and establish this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park.


Within this process of negotiations, communication is maintained with the Oyo (Ohio) Department of Natural Resources, the Office of the Governour of the State of Oyo (Ohio), the White House Office of Faith Based Community Initiatives of the Government of the United States of America Taínoterranea (as well as the local office within Colombus, Oyo [Ohio]), the State Department of the United States of America Taínoterranea, the Permanent Mission of the United States of America Taínoterranea to the United Nations, the Office of the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, as well as numerous interFaith and religious organisations, including the Orthodox Union, the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, the Organisation of Swami Narayan, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation, Rissho Kosei Kai, the International Network of Engaged Buddhism, the Unitarian Universalist Association, the Vatican, the World Council of Churches, the Friends World Consultation Committee, the International Order of Saint Benedict, the Organisation of the Islamic Council, the Threshold Society (Order of Mevlevi), the Bahá’í, and the World Sikh Council, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, Foundation of a Global Ethic, Information Network Focus on Religious Movements, InterFaith Alliance and the InterFaith Foundation, InterFaith Centre of New York, InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington, InterFaith Youth Core, International Association for Religious Freedom, International Committee for the Peace Council, International InterFaith Centre, International Movement for a Just World, Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace, Interreligious Federation for World Peace, Movement for a Beloved Community, Multi-Faith Centre of the University of Derby, Temple of Understanding, World Peace Sanctuary, United Religions Initiative, World Conference of Religions for Peace, World Congress of Faiths, World Council of Religious Leaders, World Faith Development Dialogue, Berkeley Centre for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at the Jesuit Catholic University of Georgetown, Institute for Interreligious Intercultural Dialogue, InterFaith Centre at the Presidio, International InterFaith Organisations Network, Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, United Nations Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Religion and Belief, Oslo Coalition, and InterFaith News . Net.

These communications include telephone conversations, facsimile correspondences, postal correspondences, and/or email correspondences. Some of the email correspondences involved within this negotiation process are included with this presênt correspondence for your information.


Within the past year, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement receive a written postal correspondence from the office of Samuel W Speck, Director of the Oyo (Ohio) Department of Natural Resources, and signed by Glen Alexander, Assistant Director of the Oyo (Ohio) Department of Natural Resources. Within the correspondence, there is the communication of the general policy of the State of Oyo (Ohio) pertaining Salt Fork Park and the invitation to further negotiate this process specifically through telephone conversation.

Subsequently, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are provided with the suggestion to pursue such direct negotiations with the inclusion of a third party (effectively maintaining a multilateral process). We communicate this interest with the Office of the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and a day and time are scheduled for the telephone call; however, there was difficulty in effectively facilitating the three way telephone call, and such an occasion of direct multilateral negotiation has yet to occur.

After this, I have the occasion of spending time at Euclid Creek Reservation, here in the North East portion of Oyo (Ohio). There are a number of reasons for me doing so, much of which pertain to the tangible progression of establishing this InterFaith Settlement within Salt Fork Park. After maintaining a conversation with a park ranger at Euclid Creek Reservation, I am able to depart the park without substantial incident. A few weeks later, arrangements are made for me to stay at Punderson State Park (also located here in North East Oyo [Ohio]) for a number of days. During this time, I am able to directly observe the standard accomodations within one of the cottages at Punderson State Park (similar to those at Salt Fork Park), and to make increasingly detailed preparations for the establishment of this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park.

Since that time at Punderson State Park approximately six Moons (months) ago, the negotiation process is comparatively quiet. There has been difficulty in effectively facilitating the direct multilateral negotiations, particularly because of the continual changes in offices and administrations intrinsic within many of these governmental organisations. This may simply be considered as part of the slow motion process of change within convention (working within the system and similarly). However, there is also the consideration of the coinciding initiative and agitative process that is substantially facilitated through unconventional means (civil demonstrations and similarly).


Within the past few weeks, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement (and I, personally) have received a certain amount of direct and indirect communication of intolerance and hostility specifically to'ards my residing within this location of University Heights, Oyo (Ohio). Much of this intolerance and hostility has been similar to much of the intolerance and hostility that we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement have generally received pertaining the nature of our work. And thus it has been perceived as simply part of the experience of our work. However, within the past few weeks, this intolerance and hostility has been communicated within an increasingly threatening manner. And thus, there is the suggestion of me making the initiative to directly reside within Salt Fork Park through the auspices of this InterFaith Settlement.

Rather than running away from troubles or becoming acquiescent to such intolerance, hostility, and threats, a predominant consideration in this suggestion simply pertains to 1.) an awareness of the suffering that has been experienced amongst individuals, families, and organisations (particularly located within this locality of University Heights, Oyo [Ohio]) who have communicated such intolerance, hostility, and threats, 2.) the difficulty in substantially alleviating such suffering because of the premise of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement eventually relocating to this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park (effectively precluding many of us from making lengthened term commitments to certain projects and endeavours that require immediate location within University Heights, Oyo [Ohio]), and 3.) the notion that such intolerance, hostility, and threats can be perceived as specific provocation (and even encouragement) for us to make the initiative of residing within this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park.


Per our communication with the Oyo (Ohio) Department of Natural Resources, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are aware of some of the standard regulations pertaining such residence. However, we reiterate that our initiative in residing at Salt Fork Park substantially exceeds the standard practices of the Oyo (Ohio) Department of Natural Resources within which these standard regulations have been applicable. In brief, any perceived transgression against these standard regulations may be simply understood as acts of civil disobedience within the context of establishing this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park through the previously described processes of multilateral negotiation.

We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement emphasise the gradual inhabitation methodolgy described within one of the previous email correspondences. Within this methodology, there is a gradual immigration of residents within this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park whilst the Xanterra organisation continues maintaining the basic operations of Salt Fork Park (hosting visitors and maintaining many of the facilities) and whilst negotiations continue to be solidified with each of the appropriate organisations involved. This methodology is intended to facilitate increased ease within the transition of the custoy of Salt Fork Park to this InterFaith Settlement.

Amidst this, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement also are provided with the suggestion that the initial establishment of respective monastic communities (respectively Buddhist and Christian) may also facilitate the ease within this transition; accordingly, we share this suggestion with the International Network of Engaged Buddhism and the International Order of Saint Benedict. One of the predominant considerations within this suggestion is that the initial establishment of respective monastic communities (respectively maintaining practices of abstaining from many of the temporal pursuits of this Universe) provides residents and citizens within Oyo (Ohio) and the international community with an enhanced perspective of the intrinsic credibility and interreligious cooperation of this InterFaith Settlement (rather than perceiving this InterFaith Settlement as a anti conventional, religious cult).

The conjunction of this gradual methodology and this suggestion pertaining the respective monastic communities effectively enables a modest number of residents of this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park (particularly unmonastic residents) to respectively inhabit some of the already established residential accommodations at Salt Fork Park whilst the respective edifices for the respective monastic communities are constructed at Salt Fork Park.


This correspondence is provided to you at this time to specifically communicate the intention of me, Peter Frank Womack, travelling to Salt Fork Park within this gradual process of establishing this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park.

عنشالا, בארחאשם, God Willing, सअःमअःदए, ॐ, I will begin this travel after the observance of Pesach. Included with this correspondence is also a collection of maps that show the itinerary for this travel (roads being travelled, places of rest, and additionally). The intention is for me to simply walk with a wheel barrow, containing a modest amount of items, all the way to this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park.

From previous experience, we at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement are informed that walking amidst interstate highways has been prohibited by government law. In this respect, the intention is for me to simply walk amidst the main roads and country highways connecting University Heights, Oyo (Ohio) with this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park. The intention is for me to walk during the daylight hours of weekdays (Monday through Thursday), whilst continuing to observe Jumuah gatherings, Shabbos, and Sunday Worship. The intention is for me to rest at nights and during Jumuah gatherings, Shabbos, and Sunday Worship, at respective parks across this travel route, and additional locations that are deemed appropriate (such as an open country field and additionally). There is a lack of interest in imposing upon the respective private property rights of any individual, family, or organisation; the potential of me resting at additional places other than a park is simply a factor of 1.) abstaining from making such travels before, 2.) any inaccuracies in planning such travels, 3.) weather conditions, and 4.) overestimations and/or underestimations of my physical ability.

عنشالا,בארחאשם,God Willing,सअःमअःदए,ॐ, when I enter into Salt Fork Park, there are a number of considerations pertaining how I may proceed: 1.) immediately arriving at the front desk of the main lodge for communication of a designated cottage for my residence, 2.) immediately arriving at a park ranger station, 3.) proceeding with impromptu camping for a certain period of time, or additionally.

The time duration of this travel may range from a few days to a few weeks. There is also the propensity of me being provided with additional transportation from additional supporters of, and/or fellows and fillas with, the Asona Group witin this InterFaith Settlement so that I arrive at this InterFaith Settlement at Salt Fork Park with increased expediency. There is also the propensity of me receiving a cellular telephone to facilitate direct communication with others whilst conducting this travel. I have yet to be provided with such a cellular telephone and thus I am precluded from providing you the telephone number therein. Pending the provision of such updated contact information, correspondence intended for me can be made via the International Secretariat of this InterFaith Settlement and/or to additional fellows and fillas with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement.

Since the time that this decision is made, there have been certain changes pertaining my physical condition and consequential concerns pertaining my ability to complete the walking trek in the manner described. This is simply communicated for your information.


Archived correspondences, document files, detailed maps, and illustrations pertaining my journey to this InterFaith Settlement can also be found with the 'Files' section (subsection: '12.7.61 Correspondence Files') at one of the web log sites of the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement: (User Account: interFaithsettlement; Password: interFaith).


For additional information pertaining the InterFaith Movement, you are welcome to the website of the InterFaith International Centre in Oxford, England,

For additional information pertaining this InterFaith Settlement and the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement, you are welcome to the respective web log sites previously listed at the beginning of this correspondence.

We at the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement can be reached at:

c/o International Secretariat
This InterFaith Settlement
3825 Silsby Road
University Heights 44118 Oyo (Ohio) Earth

+1 216 371 3367 (reverse charges welcome)
(instant messaging:

With humble and benevolent regards, Idwata,

Peter Frank Womack (fellow with the Asona Group within this InterFaith Settlement)

Peace belôngs throughout the Universe.

Good Samadhi belôngs to'ard Nirvâna.

All Praise Belôngs To God.

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