‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign
this InterFaith Settlement
What It Is:
This InterFaith Settlement is an intentional community that welcomes respective religious adherents and leaders from the many, respective religious traditions of the World and Universe, including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. The lessons gained from this InterFaith Settlement are shared throughout the World and Universe to improve the interaction amongst individuals respectively from different religious traditions.
How It Works:
1.) Individuals provide Service (2 Days of 10 Hours, each) to the World and Universe through the United Nations;
2.) The United Nations provides Forgiveness to the United States of America Taínoterranea (for financial obligations);
3.) The United States of America Taínoterranea provides Forgiveness to the State of Oyo (Ohio) and Forgiveness to Xanterra (for respective financial obligations);
4.) The State of Oyo (Ohio) and Xanterra Transfer Salt Fork Park to the Custody of this InterFaith Settlement; and,
5.) This InterFaith Settlement provides Service (‘50 Men for 50 Years’ Pledge) to the World and Universe.
What You Can Do:
Individuals Respectively Belonging to a Specific Religious Congregation:
1.) You can ponder about, meditate beyond, and pray for this InterFaith Settlement;
2.) You can talk with the respective religious leaders of your respective congregation about this InterFaith Settlement;
3.) You can organise an initiative within your congregation to support this InterFaith Settlement;
4.) Your congregational group can petition the United Nations to:
a.) accept the arrangement with this InterFaith Settlement, and
b.) lobby the United States of America Taínoterranea, State of Oyo (Ohio), and Xanterra to also accept the arrangement with this InterFaith Settlement;
5.) When this arrangement is accepted and this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign is complete, God Willing, your respective congregational groups can maintain further participation through increased involvement with your respective religious congregations, continuing service projects with the United Nations, additional initiatives and cooperation with interFaith institutions and organisations, and/or even additional cooperation and involvement with this InterFaith Settlement.
Individuals Respectively Remaining outside any Specific Religious Congregation:
1.) You can ponder about, meditate beyond, and pray for this InterFaith Settlement;
2.) You can talk with your parents, family, teachers, friends, coworkers, colleagues, neighbours, and community leaders about this InterFaith Settlement;
3.) You can organise an initiative within your respective local schools, universities, amongst your respective friends, coworkers, and/or amongst your respective community groups and/or another organisations with which you are respectively involved, to support this InterFaith Settlement;
4.) Your group can petition the United Nations to:
a.) accept the arrangement with this InterFaith Settlement, and
b.) lobby the United States of America Taínoterranea, State of Oyo (Ohio), and Xanterra to also accept the arrangement with this InterFaith Settlement;
5.) When this arrangement is accepted and this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign is complete, God Willing, your respective groups can maintain further participation through increased involvement within respective initiatives within your respective communities, continuing service projects with the United Nations, additional initiatives and cooperation with interFaith institutions and organisations, and/or even additional cooperation and involvement with this InterFaith Settlement.
100,000,000 Ewkahs (total amount required for the transfer of Salt Fork Park to the custody of this InterFaith Settlement):
10,000,000 Ewkahs from this InterFaith Settlement Pledge (50 men for 50 years)*
10,000,000 Ewkahs from Judaism (12,500 people providing 20 hours of service)**
10,000,000 Ewkahs from Hinduism (12,500 people providing 20 hours of service)**
10,000,000 Ewkahs from Buddhism (12,500 people providing 20 hours of service)**
10,000,000 Ewkahs from Christianity (12,500 people providing 20 hours of service)**
10,000,000 Ewkahs from Islam (12,500 people providing 20 hours of service)**
40,000,000 Ewkahs from the World and Universe (50,000 people providing 20 hours of service)***
*this is the pledge made by the initial male residents of this InterFaith Settlement
**this number (12,500) is a revision from a previously described number of 1,250, and is based upon an approximated mean age of 40 years for people providing service
***this number (50,000) is a revision from a previously described number of 6,000, and is based upon an approximated mean age of 40 years for people providing service
We at this InterFaith Settlement apologise for the previous calculation difficulty and for any harm this has caused.
InterFaith Settlement
International Secretariat
3825 Silsby Road
University Heights 44118, Oyo (Ohio)
+1 216 371 3367
Illustration Adapted from Artwork Commissioned by Microsoft
Ewkahs Explained:
An ‘ewkah’ is simply a way of placing a value upon something without utilising money. The term, ‘ewkah,’ is actually derived from an acronym, ‘UC,’ which is an abbreviation for ‘Units of Cost.’
The basic formula involving ewkahs describes a way of valuing the work that a person does. Within this basic formula, there are two main considerations: 1.) how much training the person has before doing the work, and 2.) how much effort the person provides in completing the work.
Basic Formula:
Uc = TtFit x TjFij
In this formula, the ewkahs (units of cost) are listed on the left hand side of the equation.
The first group of terms (TtFit) represents the training that a person maintains before doing the work. ‘Tt’ is an abbreviation for ‘Time of Training.’ This is the total number of years of training and experience that a person has immediately before beginning the work.
‘Fit’ is an abbreviation for the ‘Factor of Intensity of Training.’ This represents the difficulty and concentration involved within the person’s training. When a person’s training is rather easy and requires little concentration, the ‘Fit’ number for that person may be lower. When a person’s training is rather difficult and requires a substantial amount of concentration, the ‘Fit’ number for that person may be higher. Each person maintains the prerogative of determining a person’s own ‘Fit’ number. Yet, it is a process of negotiation, because an employer maintains the prerogative of whether to hire a person at the person’s self determined ‘Fit’ number.
The second group of terms (TjFij) represents the specific amount of effort that the person provides in completing the work. ‘Tj’ is an abbreviation for ‘Time of Jôb. This is the total number of hours that a person maintains in completing specific work.
‘Fij’ is an abbreviation for the ‘Factor of Intensity of Jôb.’ This represents the difficulty and concentration involved within the person’s completion of the work. The same principles of application, determination, and negotiation are relevant.
So, the total amount of ewkahs that a person receives for a specific amount of work is determined by multiplying each of the terms (Tt, Fit, Tj, Fij) with each other.
The elements and principles of this basic formula for determining the value of a person’s work are also utilised to determine the respective value of anything that exists within the atmosphere of the Earth; however, the respective formulas for these resources are increasingly complex. A comprehensive description of these formulae is provided at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/interFaithsettlement/message/18.
Determining Intensity:
To further one’s understanding about ‘Factors of Intensity,’ it is beneficial to consider some examples.
If a person is employed to complete some work, and whilst completing the work, the individual is conducting additional activities such as talking on the telephone, or watching a video, or instant messaging people, then the factor of intensity for that person’s work (specifically the ‘Factor of Intensity of Jôb’) may be considered lower. The consideration is that the concentration of the individual is divided upon additional activities other than the specific work. And thus, the ‘factor of intensity’ of the work is comparatively less. It may even be that such ‘distractions’ cause the length of time of the work (the ‘Tj,’ Time of Jôb) to be increased. Each of these considerations is involved in determining the ‘factor of intensity.’
There are also circumstances where a person is employed to complete some work that requires constant, undivided attention, like lifeguarding at a swimming pool or studying materials to complete a report. Within these circumstances, an individual is required to provide a considerable amount of effort and concentration to complete the work. After the completion of such work, an individual may experience a certain amount of fatigue because of the exertion of concentration and energy. Thus, each of these considerations is involved in determining the ‘factor of intensity.’
Amidst all these considerations, there is a simple ‘Standard Method’ that is utilised where all ‘factors of intensity’ are ‘1.’ Within this ‘Standard Method,’ the ‘Time of Training’ (Tt) is equal to the age of the person. Thus, the basic formula within the ‘Standard Method’ is:
Uc = Ta x Tj
where ‘Ta’ is the ‘Time of Age’ (the age of the person) and Tj represents the same, ‘Time of Jôb.
For instance, the value of a ‘day’s work’ (10 hours) of a man who is 20 years old is 200 ewkahs:
Uc = 20 years x 10 hours = 200 ewkahs
The value of a ‘day’s work’ (10 hours) of a man who is 40 years old is 400 ewkahs:
Uc = 40 years x 10 hours = 400 ewkahs
The value of a ‘year’s work’ (2000 hours: 50 weeks of 40 hours) of a man who is 20 years old is 40,000 ewkahs:
Uc = 20 years x 2000 hours = 40,000 hours
The value of a ‘year’s work’ (2000 hours: 50 weeks of 40 hours) of a man who is 40 years old is 80,000 ewkahs:
Uc = 40 years x 2000 hours = 80,000 hours
Additional information pertaining ewkahs and the different formulas for respectively valuating the comprehensive resources of Earth can be found at the website address, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/interFaithsettlement/message/18.
Description of this InterFaith Settlement:
In the same manner previously described, this InterFaith Settlement is an intentional community that welcomes respective religious adherents and respective religious leaders respectively from the many religious traditions of the World, including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.
The notion of this InterFaith Settlement is a progression from, and within, the modern InterFaith Movement, tangibly beginning over a hundred years ago with the convening of the first Parliament of the World’s Religions at the Colombian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (additional information pertaining the history of the InterFaith Movement can be found at the website of the longest, consecutively operating interFaith institution, International Association for Religious Freedom, www.iarf.net). The basic premise of this InterFaith Settlement is to provide a pragmatic example of immediate, mutual reliance amongst individuals respective for different religious traditions for the help respective individuals, families, organisations, and religious congregations from throughout the World, and respectively within different religious traditions, to learn how to interact with each other with enhanced mutual understanding, mutual respect, and even mutual amicability. It is a matter of building upon the historic and continuing intellectual, interFaith dialogue within the InterFaith Movement to provide tangible, pragmatic examples of interFaith cooperation.
Transferring the Custody of Salt Fork Park
After a considerable amount of deliberation, Salt Fork Park is identified as the specific area of land for the establishment of this InterFaith Settlement (a brief description of this deliberation is available within the organisation plan for this InterFaith Settlement, http://geocities.com/interFaithsettlement/page11). And with the identification of Salt Fork Park, there are the necessary arrangements to secure the transfer of Salt Fork Park to the custody of this InterFaith Settlement. The preceding custodian of Salt Fork Park is the State of Oyo (Ohio). The comparatively private organisation, Xanterra, is the preceding manager of the resort facilities within Salt Fork Park.
With adherence to the principle of sharing and a ‘fair trade,’ and given the preceding custodians of Salt Fork Park, it becomes necessary to determine the appropriate products and/or services that this InterFaith Settlement can provide in exchange for receiving the custody of Salt Fork Park.
Respective Teachings from Respective Religious Traditions:
The residents of this InterFaith Settlement abstain from holding or exchanging money. There is the teaching that Jesus provides of ‘render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, and render unto God that which belongs to God.’ The principle of abstaining from holding or exchanging money is very much in adherence with this teaching, thus abstaining from becoming unduly influenced by any specific national government (Caesar).
We at this InterFaith Settlement also maintain an awareness and appreciation for the respective rules for sharing that are respectively maintained within many of the respective religious traditions of the World and Universe. Within the Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism, there is the teaching to perform sattvic giving, without the expectation of receiving anything in return. There is the teaching within the Torah of Judaism that commands people to abstain from ‘gleaning the full of the field,’ and to leave some of the fruit of the field for others to utilise. This coincides with the abstinence within Judaism from imposing slavery or usury. There is also the reciprocal teaching within Judaism that an individual may eat from the field of the individual’s neighbour, yet the individual is prohibited from putting the fruit of the neighbour’s field into the sac of the individual (for the individual’s own gain). Within the Koran of Islam, the command to practise regular charity, Zakat, is likely only exceeded in frequency by the respective command to bear witness to the One and only True God and to practise regular prayers.
Distinct from the ‘beggar’s bowl’ of Hinduism or Buddhism or the austere practice of within Christian hermitage, this InterFaith Settlement does maintain the propensity to cultivate resources and to trade and barter products and services with other individuals, families, and organisations. And indeed, these respective religious rules for sharing contextualise the manner in which this InterFaith Settlement maintains such trade and bartering.
Yet because of the abstinence from money, this InterFaith Settlement is effectively precluded from pursuing a capital raising strategy to amass the necessary financing to purchase Salt Fork Park. In this same respect, it is somewhat appropriate for this InterFaith Settlement to abstain from soliciting the contribution of financial resources (money) from others for the purchase of Salt Fork Park as a means of transferring the custody of Salt Fork Park to this InterFaith Settlement. Thus, there is the need for creativity. And there is the adage that ‘necessity breeds innovation.’
The ‘InterFaith Settlement Pledge’ and the ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign are substantially derived from, and inspired by, a teaching of the Buddha within the Digha Nikâya. In a certain passage, a king solicits the Buddha to instruct him on how to perform the most excellent sacrifice. The king has the intention of sacrificing numerous animals as a means of showing appreciation for the wealth of the land. Yet the Buddha describes a sacrifice that can be made without compromising the life of the animals. The Buddha instructs the king to announce the sacrifice to the elite of the land and to liberate the land to the people (enabling the people to maintain ownership and responsibility for the welfare within the kingdom). And rather than forcing the people into labour to prepare for the sacrifice, the Buddha instructs the king to simply allow those who want to labour for the kingdom to do so, and to allow those who want to abstain to do so. Then the Buddha instructs the king to dedicate the resources that would have been sacrificed as gifts to the people. The elite of the kingdom offer the king gifts for the sacrifice and he refuses the gifts, proclaiming that he already has an abundance. And so, inspired by the generosity of the king, the elite similarly provide gifts to the kingdom. And thus the king performs a sacrifice with multifold giving and without compromising the life within the kingdom.
Arrangement within the ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign:
The schematics of the ‘InterFaith Settlement Pledge’ and the ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign proceed accordingly. Individuals, families, organisations, and religious congregations respectively from throughout the World and respectively from the many religious traditions of the World, provide an appropriate amount of service to the World and Universe through the United Nations. ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ means that each individual provides 20 hours (2 days of 10 hours, each) of service through the United Nations, within the time frame of 2 years.
In exchange for this service, the United Nations provides an appropriate amount of forgiveness to the United States of America Taínoterranea for the financial obligations that the United States of America Taínoterranea maintains towards the United Nations.
In exchange for this forgiveness, the United States of America Taínoterranea respectively provides an appropriate amount of forgiveness to the State of Oyo (Ohio) and Xanterra for the respective financial obligations that the State of Oyo and Xanterra maintains towards the United States of America Taínoterranea.
In exchange for this forgiveness, the State of Oyo (Ohio) and Xanterra transfer the custody of Salt Fork Park to this InterFaith Settlement.
The initial 50 men who reside within this InterFaith Settlement agree to provide 100 hours of service each year, for 50 years, through the auspices of the InterFaith Movement. This includes convening a biannual conference pertaining the respective experience and wisdom that these 50 men maintain through living within this InterFaith Settlement.
The quid pro quo (‘I do for you if you do for me’) tendency of this arrangement may seem much less noble than the sacrifice described within the Digha Nikâya of Buddhism, the practise of Zakat within the Koran of Islam, the ‘open field’ within the Torah of Judaism, the sattvic giving within the Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism, or the teachings of generosity within the Gospels of Christianity. Yet it is a matter of cultivating a premise of cooperation and trust amongst individuals and groups who have been at enmity with each other for many generations. And often within such a cultivation of cooperation and trust, these individuals and groups need to be able to see the immediate benefit within the vulnerability of even considering such cooperation and trust. And in constantly being able to perceive the immediate benefit, these individuals and groups can become increasingly confident and reassured through similarly, yet intangibly, perceiving the long term, and even cosmic and spiritual, benefits of maintaining such cooperation and trust.
The Actual Participation:
The actual service provided through this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign can be perceived as a simple service project that is maintained through the auspices of one of the entities of the United Nations, such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), www.unicef.org, the United Nations Volunteer Programme, www.unv.org, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) www.unesco.org, and additional institutions. The significant distinction with this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign from other service projects directly facilitated by the United Nations is the necessity for this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign to be officially sanctioned as a United Nations initiative and to be administered through an appropriate office within the United Nations system.
In this respect, this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign resembles a conventional grassroots effort of organising interests and soliciting the United Nations to accept this arrangement. This ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign also requires the respective acceptance of the United States of America Taínoterranea, the State of Oyo (Ohio), and Xanterra for this arrangement. Thus, the initial efforts within this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign are to solicit each of these institutions and organisations (United Nations, United States of America Taínoterranea, State of Oyo [Ohio], and Xanterra) to accept this arrangement. This includes organising local meetings, forwarding correspondences (post mail, telephone, facsimile, email, and otherwise), cooperating with additional organisations and institutions (this InterFaith Settlement, interFaith institutions and organisations, religious institutions, respective religious congregations, community groups, government institutions, civil society, and additional institutions and organisations), coordinating promotional events (informational exhibits, seminars, demonstrations, social gatherings, silence, and additional activities), and meeting with the respective leaders of these specific institutions (United Nations, United States of America Taínoterranea, State of Oyo [Ohio], and Xanterra).
With this arrangement accepted by these institutions (United Nations, United States of America Taínoterranea, State of Oyo (Ohio), and Xanterra), God Willing, then the proceeding service can be performed within an increasingly conventional manner, within service projects specifically deemed appropriate by, and directly administered through, the United Nations. This includes maintaining appropriate records of the respective service provided by each individual participating within the ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign. The ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign continues until the total amount of 100,000,000 ewkahs is collected by the United Nations.
The Numbers:
The number of 100,000,000 ewkahs is an estimated, conventional value for Salt Fork Park. The specific methodology for determining this value is explained within the previously referenced paper, ‘Transmonetary Valuation System,’ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/interFaithsettlement/message/18. The total amount provided from the ‘InterFaith Settlement Pledge’ is 10,000,000 ewkahs (estimating an average age of men to be 40 years old throughout the fulfilling of the pledge):
Uc = 40 years x 100 hours = 4,000 ewkahs, each year, per man
4,000 ewkahs x 50 years = 200,000 ewkahs, per man
200,000 ewkahs x 50 men = 10,000,000 ewkahs
In this respect, the same exact amount (10,000,000 ewkahs) is solicited from each of the predominant World religions of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. Within the parameters of the ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign (and similarly presuming an average age of participants to be 40 years old), this equates to the participation of 12,500 people respectively from each of these religious traditions:
Uc = 20 hours x 40 years = 800 ewkahs, per person
800 ewkahs x 12,500 people = 10,000,000 ewkahs
With respect to the notion of equitability, 10,000,000 ewkahs is the highest amount that can be respectively contributed from each of these religious traditions of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. Individuals respectively from any of these respective religious traditions may, however, complete mas than one ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign (an individual can provide a service of 4 days or an additional amount of time, and have this service qualify within the respectively solicited amount for that individual’s respective religious tradition). If a respective religious tradition already completes the solicited aggregate amount of service for that respective religious tradition, an individual within that respective religious tradition can provide service that qualifies within the solicited amount for the aggregate World (explained further within this material) or can provide service that qualifies beyond the scope of this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign because such service is simply the right thing to do.
Thus much, the working calculation is:
10,000,000 ewkahs (50 Men for 50 Years) from the ‘InterFaith Settlement Pledge’
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Judaism
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Hinduism
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Buddhism
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Christianity
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Islam
60,000,000 ewkahs
This leaves a balance of 40,000,000 ewkahs to be provided within this arrangement. In this respect, there is the solicitation for the aggregate of the World and Universe to provide this balance of 40,000,000 ewkahs. The same parameters of this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign are applicable, and thus requires an additional participation of 50,000 people respectively from the World and Unvierse:
Uc = 20 hours x 40 years = 800 ewkahs, per person
800 ewkahs x 50,000 people = 40,000,000 ewkahs
And thus the total amount of 100,000,000 ewkahs is attained:
10,000,000 ewkahs (50 Men for 50 Years) from the ‘InterFaith Settlement Pledge
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Judaism
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Hinduism
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Buddhism
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Christianity
10,000,000 ewkahs (12,500 People for 20 Hours) from Islam
60,000,000 ewkahs (50,000 People for 20 Hours) from the World and Universe
100,000,000 ewkahs
Additional, Specific Considerations:
As previously described, these numbers are general estimations, utilising the ‘Standard Method’ (all factors of intensity equal to ‘1’) and presuming an average age of service providers being 40 years old.
In actuality, it is appropriate for each individual to utilise the respective age (Ta) of each individual in determining the conventional value of the respective service from each individual. Yet each individual also maintains the prerogative of respectively determining an individual’s own respective time of training (Tt). Each individual also maintains the prerogative in respectively determining an individual’s own respective factors of intensity.
And in the same respect, the United States of America Taínoterranea maintains the prerogative of accepting the conventional value of the service as it is determined by the individual or to utilise the standard methodology with all factors of intensity being ‘1’ (Fit = 1; Fij = 1), and with the time of training being equal to the age of the individual (Tt = Ta).
The United Nations maintains the prerogative of determining what is ‘qualifiable’ service when this arrangement is accepted by each institution (United Nations, United States of America Taínoterranea, State of Oyo [Ohio], and Xanterra), God Willing. As previously described, the initial grassroots activism within this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign (organising, meetings, mailings, events, correspondences, petitioning, et cetera) qualifies as service within this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign. In this respect, it is beneficial for individuals to maintain appropriate time sheets and to include references to tangible documents, correspondences (mailings, telephone calls, et cetera), minutes from meetings, events, et cetera, that coincide with these time sheets.
When this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign is complete and the appropriate amount of service is provided, God Willing, individuals are encourage to continue to similarly provide service for the benefit of the World and Universe. This service can be maintained through increased participation within respective religious congregations, increased participation within respective communities, continuing service projects with the United Nations, additional initiatives and cooperation with interFaith institutions and organisations, and/or additional cooperation and involvement with this InterFaith Settlement.
You are encouraged to earnestly communicate with your respective family, religious leaders, teachers, friends, and community about this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign and this InterFaith Settlement. With the appropriate consent and cooperation from your family and religious leaders, you are encouraged to organise your efforts with your family, religious congregants, friends, teachers, and community to participate within this ‘2 Days in 2 Years’ Campaign.
For weblinks to interFaith institutions and organisations, respective religious organisations and institutions, as well as international, governemental, benevolent, advocacy, civil society, agricultural, and additional organisations and institutions, you are welcome to proceed to the website: http://spaces.msn.com/interFaithforum.
For additional consultation, you are welcome to contact Peter F Womack at this InterFaith Settlement:
InterFaith Settlement
International Secretariat
3825 Silsby Road
University Heights 44118, Oyo (Ohio)
+1 216 371 3367
May Peace And Blessings Of God Be Upon The Rishis.
May Peace And Blessings Of God Be Upon Moses.
May Peace And Blessings Of God Be Upon The Buddha.
May Peace And Blessings Of God Be Upon Jesus.
May Peace And Blessings Of God Be Upon Muhammad.
May Peace And Blessings Of God Be Upon The Universe.
May Peace Be With You.
Peace belongs throughout the Universe.
Good Samadhi belongs toward Nirvâna.
All Praise Belongs To God.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
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